Inverted-Gate Compression?

In this video I demonstrate an unusual compression technique using a gate instead of a standard compressor. At the same time I demonstrate how you can do “lookahead” processing with any plug-in. English subtitles are available.

Technique steps:
1. Use a gate as an insert on any audio signal that you’d like to compress.
2. Set the parameters in a way that the gate is triggered extremely fast (use lookahead if possible -0.2 to -0.5 ms). Release/Hold parameters should be fast as well (20 to 40 ms in total). Threshold should be set at the same level you would actually be setting the threshold of a gentle limiter, so focus on the peak max levels only.
(If you understand how this works, you can set different response times for different results as you would with any compressor).
3. Export or render in place and use the exported/wet audio as a parallel track to the dry signal.
4. Reverse polarity of the wet channel (gated one).
5. Now, the wet signal is cancelling out completely every hit that was exceeding the initial threshold. Use the wet channel’s fader to set the compression amount. When fader is down, no compression is applied. When fader starts moving towards the starting position the amount of gain reduction rises.

This phase cancelation approach to compression is very interesting and unique since gain reduction levels can reach total cancelation and does not apply any coloration to the signal. Results are very similar to using level automation.

Σε αυτό το βίντεο παρουσιάζω μια ασυνήθιστη τεχνική συμπίεσης κάνοντας χρήση μίας πύλης θορύβου με ανεστραμμένη πολικότητα. Παράλληλα επιδεικνύω πως μπορούμε να κάνουμε “lookahead” επεξεργασία με οποιοδήποτε plug-in.

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